Quotation Explorer - 'Steven Aitchison'

To be beautiful, you have to see beauty - Steven Aitchison
It’s better to stand alone and feel strongthan standing with people who make you feel weak - Steven Aitchison
Think about it for a second:Babies are not born prejudice, they are not racist,they don’t hate, they don’t judge, and are not born believing in christianity, buddhism, sikhism, hinduism, judaism or any other ism.We, as adults, teach them all these things. - Steven Aitchison
Letting go of your desires will allow them to come to you much quicker - Steven Aitchison
The beauty of today may not be realised until it becomes tomorrow’s memory - Steven Aitchison
Lets not use obstacles as excuses for not achieving our dreams, use them as signs that the dream is worth it. - Steven Aitchison
Sometimes the truth hurts because it uncovers the lies people are living - Steven Aitchison
We are all capable of so much more than we think, the only thing we need to do is change our beliefs - Steven Aitchison
Most people know the physical senses, but a lot of people don’t know the soul’s senses: empathy, trust, intuition, love and harmony - Steven Aitchison
Depression is not an absence of happiness, it’s a feeling that happiness may never return. - Steven Aitchison
A true joy in life should be knowing that you have touched the heart of another human being - Steven Aitchison
All of us were once children, but only some of us remember that - Steven Aitchison
When you carry resentment towards another, you are effectively strengthening your relationship with that person. Let go of the resentment and you break the ties that bind you. - Steven Aitchison
Trust your journey, trust the process, raise your energy and the right people will come into your life - Steven Aitchison
Impossibility is only a whisper away from reality - Steven Aitchison
7 Principles of a Happy MarriageAlways listenBe thereCompromise is necessaryBuild up trustA kiss before sleep, a kiss after wakingNever keep scoreDo things together - Steven Aitchison
Some of us don’t trust others unless there’s a reason to trust them.I prefer to trust others until they give me a reason not to. - Steven Aitchison
Since our yesterdays are gone and our tomorrows are never promised, TODAY I want to thank all my amazing friends and family for being in my life. - Steven Aitchison
Maybe it’s not good trying to answer the question ‘What is my purpose in life?’ Maybe the better question is: ‘How can I make someone’s life better TODAY? - Steven Aitchison
For Magic to happen in our lives, we need to be open minded about magical things happening - Steven Aitchison
To often we speak just to hear the sound of our own voice, when we should speak only when the words are sweeter than silence. - Steven Aitchison
The thoughts you think every day determines the life you lead tomorrow - Steven Aitchison
There is a lot of pain in being lonely, but a lot of beauty in being alone. - Steven Aitchison
Honesty has a power that very few people can handle - Steven Aitchison
Because you are alive and reading thisAnything is Possible - Steven Aitchison
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